We win souls and carry the fire of revival! We preach the full Uncompromised Word of God and with the Holy Spirit at the helm of this church, we will ignite the fire within you so you can do what you are called to do! Be a doer of the Word of God and not a hearer only!
We at World Win Ministries strive to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. We believe God has called every believer to do the work of the ministry. It isn’t for the pastors, evangelists, teachers, apostles, and prophets to do it for you; their job is to train YOU to function in the ministry.
We welcome people of every background to come in and learn the Word of God, grow in faith and be trained to do ministry.
Pew sitters, church hoppers and visitors that come “once in a while,” get nowhere. Unless you are firmly grounded and rooted in a congregation, then and only then, as you are taught and growing, can God use you for the Kingdom! Moving from church to church establishes NO relationship with God, the pastors or the congregation, and there is no accountability to none of them. Besides, you pick up mixture within different church doctrines and it can lead to confusion.
God cannot use you nor the giftings He has placed within you if you are on the move from church to church and not rooted within a congregation.
We have weekly Bible Training Classes to Tuesday night starting at 6:00 p.m. This is flexible and may change. We also have a mid-week service on Wednesdays starting at 7:00 p.m.
Our Prayer Meeting is an hour before our mid-week service and that begins at 5:30 p.m.
We encourage you to come to World Win Ministries and get connected!
We are located at:
203 Ute Street, Delta, Colorado 81416
(Mailing Address)
1065 E 7th Street, Delta, Co 81416
970-874-5776 (Church)
970-874-0308 (Home Office)
970-314-0116 (Mobile)
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